Best Irish-Published Book of the Year

Shortlisted 2021

Tea for One

By Alice Taylor

 - Photographs by Emma Byrne

Some people are home alone by choice, while others, like Alice, journeyed into it through a change of circumstances. But no matter how it comes about, living alone has its minuses and its pluses. We strive to get the balance right, finding ways to enjoy the peace and solitude and keep ourselves occupied. From improving her painting to perfecting her garden, exploring family histories and reclaiming her mother’s art of tea-making, Alice discovers the challenges and pleasures of living alone.

About Alice Taylor...

ALICE TAYLOR is the author of the ever-popular To School through the Fields and many other bestselling and popular books, including And Time Stood Still, The Gift of a Garden, The Women, Do You Remember?, Tea and Talk, Home for Christmas, As Time Goes By, A Cocoon with A View and Books from the Attic. Alice grew up on a family farm near the Cork-Kerry border where life moved at a slow pace. Then over the following years, life in Ireland and Alice’s own life accelerated, as she moved to West Cork and became a busy mother and part of an extended family business. Now with the passing of the years she has slowed down, with fewer responsibilities and more time to herself. Heart-warming, reflective yet always practical, Alice continues to offer comfort and inspiration through her writing, and in Tea for One, her twenty-ninth book.

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