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Winner 2022

El by Thaddeus O Buachalla


By Thaddeus Ó Buachalla

This is a story about two young men who saw something unbelievable, unimaginable. As the story develops they recognise the truths around them until it becomes harder to reject. What is the truth in a world where knowledge is passing the proverbial, where every day this knowledge questions our understanding of this world, going back and forth between the present day and the seventeenth century? It creates a number of spider webs of historical truths woven together to create another world we recognize but cannot accept.

About Thaddeus Ó Buachalla...

Thaddeus Ó Buachalla is an Irish-language author novelist, poet and composer from Cork City. He was awarded a doctorate by Cork University College in 2015. He has two books published by Coiscéim, Clocháin sa Scoilt in 2019 and EL.

His newly published novel, EL echoes the work of Umberto Eco in its bizarre fusion of science fantasy and historical fiction. EL was awarded a prize in the Oireachtas Literary Competition in 2021.

Explore the 2022 winners

Library Association of Ireland Author of the Year
Sunday Independent Newcomer of the Year
Ireland AM Popular Fiction Book of the Year
Irish Independent Crime Fiction Book of the Year
New Irish Writing Best Short Story in association with the Irish Independent
Listowel Writers' Week Poem of the Year
Teen & Young Adult Book of the Year
Specsavers Children's Book of the Year (Senior)
Specsavers Children's Book of the Year (Junior)
Dubray Biography of the Year
Eason Sports Book of the Year
Cookbook of the Year
Bookstation Lifestyle Book of the Year
WHSmith Non-Fiction Book of the Year
Eason Novel of the Year Best Irish-Published Book of the Year